Fall Fashion Trends

Fall fashion is here!  The release of Fall/Winter lines, big magazine September issues dropped, and Fashion Weeks all over the world for next Season are already released. How does one navigate the flood of info pouring out in magazines and media?


Take one element at a time looking from head to toe and see where you can add a new element. Start with the top accessories. Hats, scarves, jewelry, and makeup trends. You can start with these. If your hair looks good, that is half the battle. The blunt bob is very chic right now. Many people are opting for wigs to avoid the commitment. Yes, many celebs and models on the runway are wearing amazing wigs that look so real you can’t tell the difference. This Season’s Hats are in lovely nudes and neutrals to wear with fluffy coats and camel colored blazers signaling the fall foliage family of golden buttery browns and beige. Then, we have scarves that blend your entire look together. Since metallics and plaid are very popular, consider adding these trends with a scarf. It’s easier to wear and can peak out from a coat or jacket and still look great with a conservative look. Metallic shoes are very much on trend as well. The silver or rose gold booty, a silver Oxford lace up, or a loafer can be worn with a monochromatic look to add interest and pop to an outfit, if you’re a bit more bold.


Velvets are huge again this year, along with metallics, and embellished details. Add a little or a lot to your wardrobe. Velvets add warmth, depth, and texture to your Fall or Winter look. It can dress up a casual look or enhance your skin tone. Rich jewel tones are a lovely addition in wine, hunter green, gold, and navy. Find small elements to start and add them to your already existing wardrobe. 


Can’t figure out how to make it work for you? No problem! We will customize a look just for you or pull inspired looks starting right from your own wardrobe! Message us today for a free consult.


Join the conversation. Let us know your thoughts, favorite Fall trend this Season, or ask us a question in the comments below!


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